The relationship between principal and contractor? “This can be much richer than that between employer and employee,” says Dutch organisational psychologist Aukje Nauta. At least as long as it is an equal relationship and if both parties put all their expectations plainly out in the open.

“be a little more generous than they expect”

The relationship between principal and contractor? “This can be much richer than that between employer and employee,” says Dutch organisational psychologist Aukje Nauta. At least as long as it is an equal relationship and if both parties put all their expectations plainly out in the open.

“It's important to make a distinction between contractors who are in a strong position as opposed to contractors who accept jobs because they have no other options. Contractors like this are often not even seen as real people,” says Aukje Nauta.


Both principal and contractor must realise that each contract has a psychological component. This contract can take on various forms: strictly transactional, or relational, such as the relationship between employer and employee. The first case lacks long-term perspective, while the second entails a risk that the relationship will show signs of wear and tear, with those involved going on as they have been because there isn't another alternative. “In the case of principal/contractor, I would call this more of a balanced psychological contract,” says Aukje Nauta. “Well, in an ideal situation at least. Because you often renegotiate, the expectations are more explicit and the relationship stays dynamic.”

There are also fundamental differences between the two types of relationships. “The payment method, for instance, is fundamentally different: a contractor is paid at current face value, while the employee's salary also factors in loyalty and job security.”

generous, human relationship

Aukje Nauta continues: “The relationship between a principal and a contractor is a relationship between two human beings.” People need autonomy, growth and connection. A sustainable, enriching relationship between principal and contractor must take these needs into account.

Aukje Nauta's top tip? “Be generous! Whether you're the principal or the contractor, be a little more generous than they expect you to be. You'll always benefit from this attitude in the long term.”

freelancers willen stipt betaald worden

Als director bij Randstad Professionals heeft Isabelle Callebaut een goed zicht op de relatie tussen opdrachtgever en opdrachtnemer. 'Als expert voor de experts stellen we specialisten zowel tijdelijk als op lange termijn tewerk bij onze klanten. Van de 1.000 professionals zijn er 200 freelancers – een aantal dat overigens toeneemt.'

Freelancers, zo merkt Isabelle Callebaut, trek je aan met interessante, uitdagende projecten, zéker als het gaat over een bekend bedrijf dat goed op het CV staat. 'Andere criteria die de employer brand van een opdrachtgever bepalen, zijn bereikbaarheid, flexibiliteit en uiteraard het financiële aspect.' Freelancers hechten veel belang aan stipte en correcte administratie en betalingen.

Isabelle Callebaut ziet twee belangrijke verschillen met het werknemerschap. Zo staan freelancers zélf in voor hun opleiding, terwijl werknemers veel meer gestuurd worden. 'Ze zijn ook strikter voor wat betreft hun tijdsbesteding en kiezen ervoor om op sommige momenten heel hard te werken en op andere helemaal vrij te zijn.'