The atmosphere at work of course determines how good you feel in that company. This is why a company that makes the same products as another can still have a very different corporate culture. It's therefore nice to know where you feel good, because you can then choose a company where you have full play!

work for a big or a small company?

What's very determining for the atmosphere at work is the size of a company. Do you enjoy working in a big company? This often means that there are more growth opportunities. But not everyone knows each other's name. If you don't like this idea, a smaller company might suit you better. There are many other things you should consider when it comes to fitting in. 

checklist for a company that suits you

The checklist below helps you find out what type of company suits you. What should you look out for and do you fit in? Also let a good friend fill in this list and compare your answers.

    • What does the company do?  Does the company want to be the best in what it does? Do you think it can do this?

    • Is it a modern company?  Is everything arranged properly?

    • Managing and decision-taking: What type of managing do you enjoy? Do you like to consult with your manager? Or do you prefer this person to be strict and clear? Are you allowed to state your opinion in the company?

    • Communication: How do employees pass on messages? Do they do this personally or by e-mail?

    • Result: Is there a lot of pressure at work? Is the work easy or difficult?

    • Reward within the organisation: Do colleagues know how much others earn or is this a secret? Is the reward fair and reasonable?

    • Personnel and organisation: Is there enough attention for you as a person? What are the other people who work there like?

    • Society: Does the company support charities? Is attention paid to the environment?

    • Safety: Are there others who would like your job? Is there competition on the work floor? Does everyone help each other?