
students may work 600 hours per year. What does that mean for you?

those doing a student job may work for 600 hours per calendar year at a reduced social security rate. 600 hours equates to 78.9 full working days (lasting 7.6 hours). In this case you are only required to pay a solidarity contribution, amounting to 2.71% of your gross wage.


Per quarter, you are not allowed to exceed 240 working hours, otherwise you will lose your child benefit. This rule does not apply during the summer months (July, August and September), except in the year that you finish your studies.

Working more than 600 hours per year? This is allowed, but then you will pay higher levels of social security as from the 476th hour.

do you live in Flanders

In Flanders, the limit of working a maximum of 240 hours per quarter has been removed and you can work unlimited, provided that you work a maximum of 600 hours per calendar year.

do you live in Brussels or Wallonia

You may not work more than 240 hours per quarter, otherwise you will lose your child benefit. This rule does not apply in the summer months (July, August and September), except in the year in which you finish your studies.

Do you want to know how many hours you can still work? Check it out via student@work.